What’s the first thing you do when buying new products online or using an e-commerce website for the first time?

You check the price, browse the product description, and, of course, go straight to the reviews to see if customers are satisfied. Research shows that 95% of people always check the review section before making a purchase, and 94% said that reviews made them avoid a business altogether. 

Customer satisfaction is incredibly influential - even just two or three negative reviews on a product with predominantly positive feedback can impact the decision to buy. With more than 26 million e-commerce websites in the world, customers' experiences will matter even more in the future.

But customer satisfaction is just one piece of the puzzle. The efficiency and productivity of your team are equally essential to achieving your company’s goals.

Think about it. 

Was there a workplace that didn’t help you reach your professional goals? If so, chances are your productivity wasn’t at its highest level. 

Both customer satisfaction and employee productivity are incredibly important for your company. Therefore, in this article, we will discuss how to increase productivity levels and customer satisfaction, so you can have a stable and healthy company.

Factors That Influence Customer Satisfaction 

Even a simple trip to the market comes with expectations—about the products we purchase, the prices we pay, and the service we receive. As human beings, we will always hope for and expect things to turn out in our favor. In the world of buying and selling, this means that a single shattered expectation can leave us unsatisfied and disappointed. 

Unfortunately, increasing customer satisfaction is not an easy task. But companies can still create a pleasant experience for most of their customers by keeping an eye out for these factors:

  • Personalization - This approach aims to meet personal preferences, needs, and expectations when it comes to products, services, and interactions. Companies can achieve this by recommending products and services based on customers' purchasing histories or by using customers’ names when communicating with them. Moreover, using CRM systems, AI, and data analytic tools can help companies gather data about their customers and use it to provide great personalized experiences. 
  • Response time - Nobody wants to wait especially when their money's on the line. Therefore, your customer support response time is crucial at this moment. The faster you can respond, address customers’ concerns, offer support, and answer their questions the more your customers will be satisfied with your business. 
  • Product quality -It goes without saying that the quality of the products and services we pay for is one of the highest standards a company needs to live up to. Good quality helps companies build a positive reputation, attract loyal customers, and generate positive reviews. 
  • Empathy - If customers express concerns about your product or seek clarification on how you can resolve an issue, it's crucial to actively listen, understand them, and provide a genuine explanation. 
  • Customer support- Websites and social media channels are great for informing your customers about your products and services, as well as answering frequently asked questions. However, sometimes this information may not be sufficient. This is where your customer support team comes in, offering advice and guidance to your customers.
  • Accessibility - The World Health Organization reports that 15% of the world population is dealing with some type of disability. These individuals require support and convenient access to products and services, just like everyone else. Therefore, we need to recognize these customers and provide solutions that can help them have a seamless and worry-free customer experience.

Factors That Influence Employee Productivity

Maintaining healthy relationships within the company is equally vital as nurturing the relationships the company has with its customers. Productive employees carrying out the work processes are the key factors that enable a company to function effectively. That's why it's crucial to prioritize their well-being if you want them to perform at their best.

So, what factors can help them stay at the top of their game?

  • Communication- Transparent and clear communication is key to employee productivity. When managers and supervisors have good communication skills and know how to address concerns effectively, employees will know exactly what to do and even feel free to ask for clarification if something bothers them. 
  • Leadership- When aiming to achieve a specific goal, motivation plays a crucial role. However, this is dependent on a good leader who can guide employees in the right direction and help them overcome obstacles. Therefore, leadership plays an important role in employee productivity.
  • Goal setting- How can we best approach our objectives? What is driving our actions? What specific timeframe do we have to reach our targets, and what positive outcomes do we expect? It's crucial to address these important questions when setting goals. Goals play a vital role in giving us a clear sense of purpose and in reducing uncertainty.
  • Workload and management- One of the main causes of employee burnout is an uneven workload and poor management. This directly impacts employee performance and productivity. All managers need to consider time, resources, and employee capabilities. They should be able to distribute tasks evenly to avoid placing an unfair amount of work on only a few individuals. 
  • Training and development- Growth is a priority for many job seekers. Feeling stagnant can lead to apathy, discouragement, and low productivity. 

Strategies For Improving Employee Productivity and Customer Satisfaction


Workforce productivity and customer satisfaction are two key factors that determine whether a company will achieve its goals. Therefore, employers must always keep up with their employees' and customers’ needs and continuously work on finding solutions to keep them happy and satisfied.

The truth is, that there is no universal solution that fits all companies when it comes to improving customer satisfaction and keeping employees happy.

But, several strategies have proven to be effective in most cases.

Let’s explore them.

Implement a Comprehensive Knowledge Base

Imagine you're ordering something from a website, and after going through the checkout process, something goes wrong—there’s no confirmation email, and you’re left wondering whether your purchase was processed. Typically, you rely on that email for peace of mind, but this website doesn’t send one. 

So, what do you do?

Naturally, you start searching for answers by either contacting customer support directly or by going through the website. But if the page doesn't have FAQs and the information is all over the place, you can start feeling frustration and impatience which results in a bad customer experience. 

Implementing an external knowledge base that consists of all information about confirmation emails, payment processing, and everything in between can be a good way to keep your customers informed and build trust and credibility. 

The same principle applies to companies. You’ve probably been in a situation where you needed information and had to dig through hundreds of emails just to find it. With a centralized knowledge base, employees can quickly and easily access the information they need. 

For instance, Helpjuice is a knowledge base software that serves as an internal and external knowledge base. It enhances employee collaboration, knowledge sharing, and communication. It also acts as a self-service option for customers seeking immediate answers.

With Helpjuice, users can:

  • Launch a knowledge base in minutes.
  • Customize their external knowledge bases to fit their brand. 
  • Find answers with a powerful Google-like search option. 
  • Gather data and understand which of their articles are most searched for.
  • Collaborate on helpful internal documentation.
  • Access information anytime and anywhere. 
  • Control who sees what.

Helpjuice offers many more features, to learn more, book a demo now

Embrace Automation in Customer Service

You've probably come across a website with a chat feature that offers a few basic options to choose from, one of them luckily being the answer you need. 

How convenient, right?

You were able to quickly get an answer to your question without messaging or calling the customer support team, saving you time and leaving you satisfied. 

Automating customer support tasks is beneficial for customers and saves time for support teams, allowing them to focus on more important tasks. Statistics show that 99% of customer support employees say that automation helps them in their work.

Here is what to watch out for:

  • AI chatbots that are capable of answering 24/7 and thus increase customer satisfaction.
  • A self-service portal, like a knowledge base, allows users to find answers on their own. Statistics show that in 2024 consumers expect websites to provide self-service solutions. 
  • Automated social media responses. Many users turn to social media to find answers, so having automated responses for commonly asked questions, can save your support team a lot of time. 
  • Automated surveys. Set a system in place that will automatically send customer feedback forms. 

Invest in Employee Training and Development

A study by The Execu|Search Group found that 86% of professionals would consider changing jobs if offered more opportunities for professional development. 

This highlights the importance for companies to prioritize employee growth and development. 

Failing to do so can lead to stagnation, causing valuable employees to seek opportunities elsewhere.

To implement a good training program, start by following these steps: 

  • Ask employees what their goals are and what they would like to achieve. 
  • Conduct a skill gap analysis to identify the skills your employees have and the ones they need.
  • Set goals and determine what your company wants to achieve by training your employees in a specific field. 
  • Use different technologies to ease the learning process, like courses, training materials, and webinars. 
  • Hire training experts. 
  • Introduce mentorship and coaching. 
  • Organize one-on-one meetings to monitor the progress of your employees.

Streamline Internal Communication

Think of your employees as the vital organs of your business. When internal processes are well-organized, and employees can easily exchange essential information, it enables them to function smoothly. This means that when your company is in order on the inside, it will show on the outside and result in happy customers.

Before creating a plan for streamlining your internal communication, ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you have communication issues? If yes, where and why do they occur? 
  • Which teams face difficulty in communication? Is there a visible reason for this? 
  • Do you currently use any tools, and how do they perform?
  • What are you hoping to achieve by improving communication?
  • Are there tools that can help you reach your goals?

Utilize Customer Feedback for Continuous Improvement

Have you ever used a product you liked but wished it had a few more features to be perfect? You probably wanted to let the owner know about the adjustments. Well, there are likely customers who feel the same way about your product or service.

You don’t want to miss the opportunity to exceed customer expectations by not implementing their feedback. Their thoughts and opinions are incredibly important so start implementing a feedback strategy by following these steps: 

  • Start by using surveys and feedback forms to gather customer input.
  • Monitor social media comments and Google reviews to understand what customers are saying.
  • Ensure you have an effective system for gathering feedback, such as embedded forms on your website, feedback buttons that allow customers to conveniently express their satisfaction, or pop-ups that ask for opinions right after a customer completes an action.
  • Develop a plan to address this feedback, which could include ways for product or service improvements or even replying to social media comments.
  • Try to be as objective as possible. Harsh feedback can be tough to receive, so when asking for feedback, remember not to be overly enthusiastic or reject it immediately.
  • Not all input should be considered as feedback. Ensure that the input aligns with your product, service, and company values.
  • Make sure to notify customers about the changes made and assure them that their feedback is taken seriously.

Implement Omnichannel Support

By definition, an omnichannel strategy aims to provide a seamless customer experience by unifying all of your business channels, including your store, mobile app, website, social media, phone, and email. 

Integrating an omnichannel strategy can enhance several factors that drive customer satisfaction, such as personalization, convenience, and consistency.

By gathering data across channels, companies can tailor their marketing messages, make informed decisions, and deliver a highly personalized experience to their customers. Omnichannel also improves convenience by allowing customers to make purchases from their preferred platform, whether it’s online or in-store. 

Consistency is at the heart of an omnichannel approach. It ensures that the same experience, branding, and information are provided across all touchpoints—whether through a website, mobile app, physical store, social media, or customer service. This consistency builds trust and fosters customer loyalty, as customers know they can expect the same level of service and information, no matter how they engage with your brand.

To successfully integrate an omnichannel strategy, consider the following questions:

  • Who are my customers?
  • What channels do they use to make purchases?
  • What are their pain points?
  • What CRM software best suits my business needs?
  • Do I have a team in place to coordinate these channels effectively?

Focus on First Contact Resolution

The first contact resolution is the percentage of customer issues resolved in one go. Just imagine encountering an issue and instead of having to navigate through phone numbers, emails, and different support agents, and worrying about who to contact next, you get your issue resolved right away. 

Sounds relieving, right?

Resolving all issues immediately is not always possible, but some strategies can help you improve your first contact resolution. 

  • First, make sure that all employees are informed about the most common issues and dilemmas your customers face when using your product or service. Offer ongoing support and training, so your team can stay on top of the issues that may occur in their work.
  • Make sure that your employees are authorized to make changes without permission. 
  • Knowledge bases can be incredibly helpful because they help your CS team access information quickly and help customers find answers by themselves. 
  • Update your CS team about changes, and new issues that show up with your product or service. 
  • Integrating AI and chatbots can be helpful when customers face a simple problem.

Personalize Customer Interactions

You and I may buy the same product, but we are not the same person. I may prefer buying online and having the product delivered to my doorstep, while you may prefer buying in physical stores and paying in cash. Both of us deserve a good customer experience tailored to our needs.

This is where the strategy of getting to know your customers, understanding their needs and preferences, and treating them as individuals comes into play.

To create personalized customer interactions, you can:

  • Include personalized product recommendations.
  • Use their name when communicating with them via chat, email, or when replying to comments on social media.
  • Engage with your customers on their preferred channels.
  • Follow up with them to ensure they are satisfied.

Leverage Data Analytics for Decision Making

With changes coming from all directions, companies must stay proactive by anticipating potential shifts.

This is where data-driven decision-making comes into play.  Data can give you a glimpse into what's ahead and help you understand where your industry is going.

  • Start with setting goals and clarifying what you want to achieve by using data.
  • Determine KPIs.
  • Tools like omnichannel, CRM systems, knowledge base software that supports analytics, and Google Analytics are excellent for gathering customer data. 
  • Data from customer feedback surveys can help you understand your buyers better, improve your product or service, and also measure their customer satisfaction levels. For instance, NPS and CSAT surveys are amazing tools that can help you quickly gain valuable insight about your product.

How Helpjuice Helps Companies Improve Inside and Out


While many factors influence how employees and customers feel about a company, tools such as Helpjuice can help you improve overall productivity and customer satisfaction. 

Here are a couple of examples of how our clients have benefited from Helpjuice.

For example, thanks to Helpjuice, Epic Engineering saved 40 hours per employee during onboarding. The company was looking for a solution to store all their training material in one place and allow employees to find those resources through a powerful search option. Helpjuice features a Google-like search that helps everyone within the company gain access to the needed documentation immediately.

Similarly, Primary Goods has significantly reduced its ticket volume since implementing Helpjuice. Previously, they were handling 2,000 tickets per week. With Helpjuice, they’ve brought that number down to just 720 tickets per week, achieving a 60% reduction.

To see how Helpjuice can make a difference in your organization, book a demo today.