Easy Authoring & Content Formatting

Authoring & Formating

Limitless Authoring & Formatting

Easy and unlimited text formating, uploading and manipulating with images, videos and many more. All inside powerful Helpjuice editor panel!

Article Versions

Publish Multiple Versions

Work painless with multiple versions of the same article, and easily switch them, all inside same editor!

Structure Content

Structure Content

Structure your content with amazingly easy to use Helpjuice categories and folders! An article could have main, and alternative categories.

Access Level

Control Who Sees What

Set articles to Public, Internal, or Private so you can choose if it's available for a public audience, internal only, or select specific people or groups, all from article editor!

Articles Impact

Understand Content Impact

Analitycs preview inside article editor so you can find out how many people read your article and if they found it helpful!

Articles Comments

Collaboration Directly from Article

Collaborate, comment, and reply to other collaborators live with an amazing commenting feature inside an article, and see how is your article improving in real-time!

Articles History

Easily Restore Article History

We store article history so you can easily restore it to the previous one if you ever change mind about the state of your article!

Helpjuice has been an incredible platform to start building our knowledge base. We had been struggling to find a good system that would give us the functionality we needed at a great price. Helpjuice has given us everything we hoped for and more and it doesn’t cost an arm and a leg. Also, customer support is top-notch.


Training Manager, Utah Government

Unbelievably Customizable

Helpjuice Welcome page

Dozens of Themes to Choose From

Can customize it to basically anything you want it to be - Great personalized support - Fast customization requests - Really good editor - Plenty of themes to choose from - Analytics are great

- Bill L, Director of Operations

Helpjuice Customization request page

Expert Customization by Helpjuice

The support team is outstanding. There is no back and forth. They understand the issue you describe and they fix it. Their customization services are fast and reliable.

- Marco A, Director of Customer Experience

Helpjuice Welcome page

Launch a Knowledge Base in Minutes

The onboarding experience was fantastic! In minutes I had someone from Helpjuice contact me and we were able to get our help site customized, populated, and live. They were exceptional and quick to make the customizations we needed.

- Daniel R, Security, and Investigations

Helpjuice Customization page

Customizable Beyond Belief

It is extremely customizable. We have strict brand rules we have to follow and Helpjuice allowed us to make all the customizations we needed

- Tyler, Director of Client Services

Amazing Integrations

Helpjuice Slack Channel

Slack Integration

Instantly access, create, and share your team’s Helpjuice articles straight from Slack, with the Helpjuice Slack bot.

Add to Slack
Helpjuice Chrome Integration

Google Chrome Integration

The support team is outstanding. There is no back and forth. They understand the issue you describe and they fix it. Their customization services are fast and reliable.

- Marco A, Director of Customer Experience

Install App
Helpjuice Salesforce Integration

Salesforce Integration

Help ignite your customer support team's performance, with Helpjuice's AI-powered KB suggestions.

Helpjuice Zendesk Integration

Zendesk Integration

Pull relevant KB Articles from your Helpjuice knowledge base straight into your Zendesk tickets.

Install App
Helpjuice Olark Integration

Olark Integration

Helpjuice provides an Olark plugin to integrate with your Olark chat! By doing so, Helpjuice will analyze when users start chatting with you and smartly find Knowledge Base articles that match what the user is talking about and suggest them to you so you can use as a response

Setup Olark
Helpjuice Zapier Integration

Zapier Integration

With the Helpjuice Zapier integration you can connect your Helpjuice knowledge base to over 1,000+ Integrations.

Install App
Microsoft Teams Integration

Microsoft Teams Integration

Instantly search, share and create articles directly from the Microsoft Teams. Configure an Microsoft Teams Channel to Receive Automated Notifications when new Knowledge Base Articles are Created.

Install App
Microsoft Teams Integration

Freshdesk Integration

Instantly search and share your Helpjuice Knowledge Base Articles from within Freshdesk tickets.

Install App

Kick Start Your Knowledge Base with Helpjuice. Guaranteed, the most powerful & simple knowledge base software

Still not convinced?

Features List

Sorry for the long list, we did our best to trim it down, and probably forgot a feature or two

  • Article insights (page views, searches leading to it, users that read it, and more)

  • Category insights (page views, users contributing to it)

  • General KB Insights (knowledge base success rate, successful/negative searches, most prominent users/groups, overall KB health & performance)

  • Group insights (what the users of a group are searching for / reading and creating, group members)

  • Salesforce Integration Analytics (see which articles are being referenced/used in Salesforce integration)

  • Search insights (who searched what, negative searches, what articles people read after searching, missing articles to add)

  • User insights (what an individual user searches/reads/writes, how many times accessed knowledge base, last login, which groups is part of)

  • Ability to assign users to groups

  • Ability to Create/Edit/Delete Articles

  • Ability to Create/Edit/Delete Categories

  • Ability to Create/Edit/Delete Users

  • Ability to Create/Edit/Delete Groups

  • Ability to edit knowledge base settings

  • Ability to search the knowledge base

Branding / Customization

More about Branding / Customization
  • 12+ Themes to install

  • Advanced Customization of themes using Liquid HTML/CSS

  • Custom Logo/Favicon/header/footer/entire kb customization

  • Easy customization of themes using Basic panel

  • Expert Customization of your knowledge base

  • Free KB Design Consultation with our experts (designed over 4,000 knowledge bases)

Customer Support

  • 15m average resolution time

  • 5m average wait time

  • Free importing (fair use)

  • Free knowledge base customization (fair use)

Editor / Authoring

More about Editor / Authoring
  • Ability to fully control Article / Category URL

  • Adding Accordions for better content presentation

  • Adding articles to one or multiple categories

  • Adding related articles

  • Article history, ability to revert to previous/future changes

  • Article templates (create/edit/delete/apply)

  • Assigning ownership & updates of articles to a user or group of users

  • Attaching / Embedding videos, images, pdfs, other files

  • Automatically & Manually Publishing an Article in future

  • Autosave as draft

  • Choosing access level of articles (Public, Internal, Private)

  • Commenting, discussions on articles with email notifications & email replies

  • Create hyperlinks to articles using both static links as well as dynamic (simply by typing @ in the editor and finding the article)

  • Custom icons for categories

  • Decision trees / troubleshooting within articles

  • Full Screen editing

  • Inform users of important information using Callouts

  • Inserting article contents within articles

  • Inserting table of contents to an article

  • Internal-only blocks within articles

  • Lists – ordered & unordered lists

  • Manually / Automatically Expiring Articles & email notifications for it

  • Preview final look of articles before publishing

  • Support for archiving/unarchiving articles

  • API Integration

  • Google Chrome (Browser)

  • Microsoft Teams (Chat) Integration

  • Olark (Chat) Integration

  • Salesforce (Ticketing) Integration

  • Slack (Chat) Integration

  • Zapier Integration

  • Zendesk (Ticketing)

  • Microsoft Teams Integration

Knowledge Base

more about Knowledge Base
  • Ability to restrict knowledge base to be Internal / Public or partially internal on a KB/Category/Article level

  • Article planner – ability to plan new ideas, and drag'n'drop ideas into articles, like Trello

  • Article redirects – ability to redirect old/existing articles/URLs into new ones

  • Automated & manual hourly/daily/weekly backups that back up your entire kb and 1 click download/restore

  • CNAME Branding / Custom Domain Mapping

  • Easy sorting / changing order of categories/topics/articles

  • Filtering by category/status/author of knowledge base

  • Instant Google-like search

  • Integration of contact form to create emails/tickets if no KB answer is found

  • KB Activities feature to preview what users are doing with your KB, live.

  • KB Glossary – with support for creating terms on-the-fly, and on-hover glossary definition preview

  • Mass uploading articles via CSV

  • Restricting access to KB via user/group/ip/js embed, and others

  • Superbly SEO-Optimized out of the box

  • Support Embedding the entire knowledge base within your app, behind a log in wall using JS embed

  • Support for mass uploading/reuploading/replacing files

  • Support for multiple categories/topics/languages/versions/etc

  • Support for SSL out of the box

Localization / Multiple Languages

More about Localization / Multiple Languages
  • Ability to localize in any language (300+ supported)

  • Allow users to easily switch languages

  • Assign translations to a specific user

  • Automatically translate using Machine Learning & Google Translate

  • GDPR Compliant

  • Possibility to make your KB 100% internal

  • Using SSO to authenticate users


  • Google-like search that displays the most relevant results

  • Possibility to filter the search by categories

  • Supports PDFs & even searching content within images

  • Ability to restrict access by Encrypted URL

  • Ability to restrict access by IP Addres

  • Ability to restrict access by Javascript-embed-access only

  • Ability to restrict access by User or Group

  • Ability to set minimum password strength

  • Auto-expiring passwords Setting

  • Data is securly stored on secure servers, in Virginia, USA.

  • Enterprise SSO & Identity protection

  • Support for Single Sign-On using IdP like Okta, Azure AD, and Auth0

Swifty / In-app widget

More about Swifty / In-app widget
  • Auto-load Swifty suggestions based off if user's first time visiting a page

  • Fully Customizable & brandable

  • Integration with chat/ticketing tool if no answers found

  • Intelligent interactive Widget

  • Load answers depending on the users page

User Management

More about User Management
  • 4 Levels of User Roles

  • Adding users to groups

  • Automatically adding users to groups

  • Bulk adding users via CSV

  • Bulk editing/deleting users

  • Support for SSO via Okta / Azure AD / AuthO / others

Team Image

WOW Care

Ours is 5 minutes, personalized, and technical. Yes, you don’t have to wait days for someone ‘technical’ to respond to you, our team understands knowledge bases, and your account, and we’ll hand hold you through all your questions.


Response Time

Because it's 2024, not 1995


Satisfaction Rate

Because our software is driven by our customers!


Product Decisions by You

Because we care about our customer experience!

Kick Start Your Knowledge Base with Helpjuice

Guaranteed, the most powerful & simple knowledge base software