Competition in the world of modern marketing is fierce. 

With the average person bombarded by over 4,000 advertisements a day, it’s a tight race to grab and keep your customer's attention. 

Marketers are like digital pirates, roaming the seven seas for their treasures - fresh insights and new audiences.

In this fierce scramble, every minor detail of your team’s operation could spell the difference between sailing smoothly and sinking into the depths of internet mediocrity. 

Your lifeline? Knowledge management systems. They can serve as your compass, guiding your team towards brighter horizons.

How Knowledge Management Can Help Develop Top Talent

The biggest asset on your team, and thus the greatest target for improvement, will always be your employees. Knowledge base software can be set up to make onboarding a breeze.

Your teams have an incredible capacity to learn, grow, and adapt. To get the highest levels of productivity from them, it’s essential that you provide them with a conducive environment. 

A knowledge management system helps you achieve that by making it easier to distribute information across your organization.

But how can internal knowledge management systems improve employee efficiency? How can you use knowledge management to improve customer satisfaction? 

Imagine how productive your team would be if they could easily share insights and expertise on a centralized platform. Imagine if anyone in your team could easily record real-time tutorials and share them with the rest of the team. 

You could cut down on endless meetings and simply refer to a deep bank of tutorials to help guide new employees through onboarding, or old employees through new practices. Upskilling will never be the same again.

How Knowledge Management Can Prepare You For the Future

In marketing, upskilling and adaptation are particularly important skills. With the majority of marketing revenue centered on a handful of online platforms, any small changes to policy or the almighty algorithm could significantly affect entire business models.

The pivot to video was a massive shift that saw magazines and newspapers that had been thriving for decades suddenly fall by the wayside. 

The way we consumed information transformed and with it, the way information was produced, distributed, and profited from changed just as radically. Now, the AI revolution is upon us; the bots are coming!

If you find yourself feeling isolated and alone in your fears of what’s to come, take heart in the fact that you’re not. Around the world, every social media and web content team is all hands on deck, trying to find new, innovative ways to maintain their market share in the face of uncertainty.

While there is no shining silver bullet to guarantee your safety, a knowledge management system will give you the flexibility you need to change direction, get more customers, keep them loyal and happy..

Let’s dive into some of the functions of a knowledge management system and discover how creating your own for marketing purposes could redefine your business.

What’s The Role of a Knowledge Management System in Marketing?

Let's face it, data is the lifeline of any decent marketing campaign. 

Gone are the days of traditional advertising. Quantifying, reiterating, and continually developing marketing strategies is essential to any ambitious marketing team or team leader. The reason for this change is simple.

Modern Marketing: A World of Data

Years ago, marketers could only vaguely guess how many people were watching a specific television show or engaging with their content, limiting the ability to change and personalize their ads. Now, with the rise of the mobile phone, you're technically in your customer's pocket.

From using channels like WhatsApp, to mass messaging customers with a deal specifically tailored to their search history, their personality, their location, or even in response to current events.

This is a level of personalization like never before.

You stand at the gateway between two great eras. The key to your future lies in how seamlessly you’re able to tap into your business’s institutional knowledge.

How Institutional Knowledge Can Give Your Marketing Team an Edge

No matter how smart you are, there is a limitation to how much knowledge you can personally accumulate. You may be able to make yourself an expert at a single, complex skill, but dedicating the time and effort to do that may mean there are other, seemingly basic skills you choose to neglect. This situation is true for each and every single member of your team.

The outcome? Your team spends a lot of time going through endless email chains and conversations, looking for information that should be readily available. 

A knowledge management system allows you to tap into the power of institutional knowledge, saving you thousands of hours in work time and driving explosive innovation in your company.

Knowledge management systems can be infinitely customizable to fit your specific needs. You can use your system to manage customer data, making it easier than ever to segment your customer base into target audiences.

Using Knowledge Management to Tap into Institutional Knowledge

You could use your management system to keep information about certain products you offer. In more technical businesses like software, it’s common for marketers to not have a full grasp of the products offered. 

Traditionally, this problem would be solved with a series of collaborative meetings where marketing teams would ask members of the development or product teams to explain specific aspects and advantages of the product in greater detail. 

With a knowledge management system for marketing teams, you can develop easy-to-access manuals. You can go through every detail of your products, giving your marketers a tighter grasp of your product’s USPs and leading to more effective marketing.

Of course, these great results don’t come without a fair bit of effort. Every single business is unique. Each business has a specific set of needs, objectives, and processes that it must fulfill to function. They all also have their own unique set of challenges. For this reason, knowledge management systems are designed to be highly customizable.

Customizing Your Knowledge Management System

Here are a few considerations to keep in mind when customizing your knowledge management system: 

  • Relevance to Marketing Goals: Although you could put a vast amount of information into your knowledge management system, it’s important to focus on the most relevant information for what your team is trying to achieve in the long and short term. 
  • User-Experience is Key: The core purpose of a knowledge management system is to make it easier to access information. If your system is designed in a way that’s hard to understand or navigate, it will impact the effectiveness of your efforts. 
  • Collaborative Features: The marketing team serves as the bridge between business and customer, allowing the two to meet in the middle. You’ll need to collaborate with team members from multiple departments ranging from product to legal. Customizing your knowledge base with collaboration in mind will help you extract maximum value from your management system. 
  • Feedback Mechanism: We live in the age of live service video games and on demand software. It’s important to know when things are working, when they aren’t, and to work with your team to know what to fix and what to improve. Having a built-in mechanism to facilitate feedback will make it easier to improve your management system for years to come. 
  • Multimedia Integration: Don’t just stuff your system with articles. Keep things fresh with videos, audio files, screen recordings, infographics, and any other form of media you’d like to use. Get crucial information across in the most efficient, engaging way possible.

How to Use Knowledge Management in Marketing

Knowledge management can transform the way your marketing team operates. Here's how to effectively implement and use knowledge management in your marketing efforts:

Centralize Campaign Information 

Create a repository for all your past, present, and future marketing campaigns. Include campaign briefs, target audience profiles, creative assets, performance metrics, and post-campaign analyses. This allows team members to learn from past successes and failures, ensuring continuous improvement.

Develop a Content Library 

Organize all your marketing content—blog posts, social media updates, email templates, and more—in a searchable database. This makes it easy for team members to repurpose content, maintain consistent messaging, and avoid duplicating efforts.

Build Customer Personas 

Use your knowledge management system to store and update detailed customer personas. Include demographic information, buying behaviors, pain points, and preferences. This ensures that all team members have a clear understanding of your target audience when creating marketing messages.

Track Competitors 

Create a section dedicated to competitor analysis. Include information on competitors' marketing strategies, product offerings, pricing, and market positioning. Regularly update this information to help your team stay ahead of industry trends.

Maintain Brand Guidelines

Store your brand guidelines, including logo usage, color palettes, tone of voice, and messaging frameworks. This ensures consistency across all marketing materials and helps new team members quickly understand your brand identity.

Document Marketing Processes 

Create step-by-step guides for common marketing tasks, such as setting up email campaigns, conducting social media audits, or running A/B tests. This standardizes processes and makes it easier to delegate tasks.

Showcase Best Practices 

Highlight successful marketing initiatives and document the strategies that led to their success. This creates a valuable resource for team members looking to replicate winning formulas.

Integrate with Marketing Tools 

Connect your knowledge management system with other marketing tools like CRM software, analytics platforms, and project management tools. This integration creates a seamless workflow and ensures all relevant information is easily accessible.

Encourage Knowledge Sharing 

Implement a system for team members to easily contribute their insights, learnings, and best practices. This could include a regular "knowledge sharing" session or a simple way to submit tips and tricks to the knowledge base.

Use AI for Smart Recommendations 

Leverage AI-powered features in your knowledge management system to provide smart recommendations. This can help marketers quickly find relevant information based on their current projects or past searches.

Create a Marketing Calendar 

Use your knowledge management system to maintain an up-to-date marketing calendar. Include key dates, campaign schedules, and content publishing timelines. This helps align team efforts and ensures everyone is working towards common goals.

Develop Training Modules 

Create onboarding and ongoing training modules for various marketing skills and tools. This accelerates the learning curve for new team members and helps existing team members expand their skill sets.

By implementing these strategies, your marketing team can harness the full power of knowledge management. The result? A more efficient, innovative, and successful marketing operation that's ready to tackle any challenge in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

How Marketing Teams are Leveraging Helpjuice

Marketing teams across various industries are discovering the power of Helpjuice to streamline their operations, improve efficiency, and enhance customer support. Let's look at two real-world examples of how marketing teams have successfully implemented Helpjuice.

Mindshare: Streamlining Document Management and Access

Mindshare, a global media agency, implemented Helpjuice to solve challenges related to document management and access across different departments and teams.

Key results:

  • Reduced time spent on updating user manuals by 80%
  • Decreased weekly emails about document access by 40%
  • Improved control over tool access through access level restrictions

How Mindshare Uses Helpjuice:

  1. Centralized Document Repository: Mindshare uses Helpjuice to store and share essential tools and documents, such as client and campaign information strings, in a single, easily accessible location.
  2. Efficient Updates: Instead of updating multiple files for different teams, Mindshare now updates a single document in Helpjuice, saving significant time and reducing errors.

Francisco Archilla, Business Intelligence Analyst at Mindshare, says, “Helpjuice is easy to use and really simplifies the task of allowing different people to get access to our documents.”

Two Step Social: Enhancing Customer Support Efficiency

Two Step Social, a social media management agency, implemented Helpjuice to address challenges in providing consistent and efficient customer support.

Key results:

  • Reduced customer support time by 50%
  • Decreased manager time spent assisting team members by 40-50%
  • Improved consistency in customer support responses

How Two Step Social Uses Helpjuice:

  1. Internal FAQ Database: Two Step Social built a robust database of frequently asked questions from clients, allowing team members to quickly access and use this information when responding to support tickets.
  2. Consistent Messaging: By centralizing support information, Two Step Social ensures that all team members provide consistent messages and maintain a uniform tone in their responses.

Will Brown, Founder of Two Step Social, states, “HelpJuice has been a game-changer for our team. With its powerful knowledge base, my time spent assisting my team members has decreased by 40-50%. It's a productivity boost we never expected!”

These case studies perfectly show how Helpjuice can be a powerful tool for marketing teams, offering benefits such as improved document management, streamlined customer support, and increased overall efficiency. By centralizing knowledge and making it easily accessible, Helpjuice enables marketing teams to focus more on strategic tasks and less on repetitive administrative work.

Build The Perfect Knowledge Management System with Helpjuice

Get the edge you need to outpace the competition with a knowledge management system of your own. At Helpjuice, we design bespoke knowledge management systems and provide extensive customer care to ensure that you’re able to make the most of your team’s deep knowledge. 

Since we understand that finding the right fit for your company can be a complicated decision, you can click on the link below for a demo. It’s time to unlock your marketing team's full potential.

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