How Helpjuice Slashed Customer Response Times at

Quick Overview

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing

Location: USA

Team size: 10 - 100

"Goodbye, PDF nightmares! With Helpjuice, we organized information better, reduced response times, and increased ticket efficiency from 48% to an astounding 67%!" - Bryan Palomo, Senior Director of Customer Service

Industry: Engineering and Manufacturing

Location: USA

Team size: 10 - 100

Engineering and Manufacturing

(10 - 100) Finds the Perfect Recipe for Knowledge Management Success with Helpjuice

Unveiling the Power of Helpjuice in Organizing Information, headquartered in Louisville, Kentucky, has been a trusted name in the furniture industry for over a decade. Recognizing the need to stay ahead in customer service, Senior Director of Customer Service, Bryan Palomo, embarked on a journey to find a solution that could enhance team efficiency while providing a seamless customer experience.

Attention: As Bryan Palomo, Senior Director of Customer Service at, puts it, "We were looking for an internal resource for the team to quickly utilize to improve knowledge, look up common questions, and refresh on SOP's. Helpjuice was the answer to our quest."

Interest: Why Helpjuice? Unlike traditional resources such as PDF handbooks, opted for Helpjuice due to its unparalleled user interface. Bryan Palomo emphasizes, "The UI was incredible and something I haven't seen before. Helpjuice allowed me to control how the information is viewed and create easy-to-digest articles for team members to learn and grow."

Desire: Impact Metrics: Implementing Helpjuice had a transformative impact on's customer service metrics. The average first response time on customer inquiries plummeted from 3.5 hours to an impressive 1.37 hours. Furthermore, the closed ticket efficiency soared from 48% to an impressive 67%, indicating a substantial improvement in issue resolution without the need for follow-up questions.

Action: Bryan Palomo's Journey: Before settling on Helpjuice, explored various solutions, including PDFs, in-person education, and other knowledge base resources like Notion, OneNote, and Airmason. The decision to choose Helpjuice stemmed from its ability to amalgamate the best features of these alternatives without overwhelming the team with a plethora of tabs and sections.

Attention: The Challenge of Information Overload

Interest: Why Helpjuice Stood Out: Bryan Palomo explains, "We used Notion, OneNote, and Airmason prior to Helpjuice. Helpjuice allowed me to organize information better for team members to digest. The customization on Helpjuice was a game-changer."

Desire: Quantifying Impact: The impact of Helpjuice on's efficiency is quantifiable. The reduction in average first response time and the remarkable increase in closed ticket efficiency showcase how Helpjuice streamlined internal processes, leading to a more responsive and customer-focused team.

Action: Choosing Helpjuice Over Competitors: While exploring various knowledge base solutions, Helpjuice stood out due to its intuitive user interface and unparalleled customization options. found in Helpjuice a tool that not only met their immediate needs but also provided a platform for future growth.


In the dynamic world of customer service,'s journey with Helpjuice stands as a testament to the transformative power of innovative knowledge management. By choosing Helpjuice, not only addressed their immediate need for an efficient internal resource but also revolutionized their customer service approach, resulting in tangible improvements in response times and issue resolution efficiency.

As Bryan Palomo aptly puts it, "Helpjuice allowed us to create an easy-to-read knowledge base, reducing customer response times and allowing us to maintain team size for a higher incoming volume. It's a game-changer." With quantifiable metrics showcasing the impact,'s success story with Helpjuice is a beacon for businesses aiming to elevate their customer service game in a competitive landscape.

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