How Protel has more than 1500 avoided support cases in 4 months thanks to Helpjuice

Quick Overview

Industry: Hotel Technology Solutions

Location: Germany

Team Size: 250

"Thanks to Helpjuice, we're writing articles 2x faster, and have helped 70% of all people that searched the knowledge base" – Martin Drenkelfort, Sr. Technical Writer

Industry: Hotel Technology Solutions

Location: Germany

Team Size: 250

Hotel Technology Solutions

(250 - 500 people)

Reducing Support Requests with an Easy-to-Use Knowledge Base

Protel hotel software, a leading provider of software solutions for the hospitality industry, faced a common challenge: a growing number of customer support requests. With only a limited number of customer service agents, the company needed a more efficient way to support its customers. Martin Drenkelfort, Senior Technical Writer and Editor, was tasked with finding a solution.

"We needed a new help platform for our customers," he explained. "In particular, the platform needed to have a modern, responsive design and be simple to use. We also wanted a cloud solution that would make collaboration easier. And of course, a self-service center to reduce support requests."

Finding the Perfect Solution with Helpjuice

After researching various solutions, the team at protel hotel software decided to try Helpjuice, a knowledge-based solution designed to help companies support their customers. "Helpjuice is very easy to use," said Drenkelfort. "Anyone can work with it immediately! The customizing possibilities are endless and still inspire us!"

According to Drenkelfort, Helpjuice also had a few features that set it apart from other solutions. "In RoboHelp, it was always incredibly cumbersome to create a new help version," he said. "With Helpjuice I can publish or update any article with just one click, that's fantastic! Never before has the editorial work been so efficient."

In addition to the ease of use, the team at protel hotel software was impressed with the analytics tool. "This gives us the opportunity to constantly improve and further develop the KB," said Drenkelfort. "And to increase the satisfaction of our customers!"

The Impact of Helpjuice

After launching the knowledge base, the team at protel hotel software has seen a dramatic improvement in efficiency and customer satisfaction. With the help of Helpjuice, the team was able to publish new articles 2x faster, resulting in more than 1500 avoided support cases in just 4 months.

"We have been able to significantly reduce the number of support tickets we receive and improve the quality of our customer service," said Drenkelfort. "Helpjuice has been a great tool for us and we look forward to continuing to use it in the future."


Protel hotel software was able to solve their customer support challenge with the help of Helpjuice. In just 4 months, the company was able to publish new articles 2x faster, resulting in more than 1500 avoided support cases. In addition, more than 70% of searches were successful, despite the fact that the team had only published 76 articles. With Helpjuice, protel hotel software was able to significantly reduce the number of support tickets they receive and improve the quality of their customer service.

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