RMS Cloud Resolves 50-75% of day to day support requests with Helpjuice Knowledge Base

Quick Overview

Industry: Real Estate
Employees: 100-500
Location: Australia

"Unlike ProProfs, I absolutely love that Helpjuice is branded to look just like it belongs to us is centred around that very intelligent search feature." – Jenna, Technical Writer, RMS

Industry: Real Estate
Employees: 100-500
Location: Australia

Real Estate

(100 - 500 people)

What problem are/were you looking to solve with Helpjuice?

We were in need of an intelligent solution to help both our internal and external users answer their questions about how to use various aspects of our software. Normal user guide style knowledge bases with basic search functions just weren't providing the help solutions our users needed.

What's the purpose / goal of your KB?

We are building a self help centre that will ultimately provide the base level of support to our customers, building from a community of users who share similar questions who will be able to easily go and get them answered without relying solely on the conventional support process.

Why did you decide to use Helpjuice?

Helpjuice ranked highly amongst other providers, made it very clear that the knowledge base is their sole focus (unlike other providers). When trialling we found the intelligent search feature to be exactly what we were looking for and the whole platform to be very simple to use and simple to implement in our business. Interactions with team members have been fantastic, even prior to committing and that says a lot about a company.

What solutions did you approach/try, before deciding to go with Helpjuice?

Previously we had used Pro Profs Knowledge Base, in house solutions as well as other providers I no longer remember the name of.

What kind of an impact has Helpjuice had on your company?

Early trials have demonstrated that between 50-75% of day to day support requests can be resolved via content added to the help centre. This creates a significant decrease on our overall support calls and gives the team more time to focus on proactive interactions with their customer portfolios.

What's your favorite Helpjuice feature?

Unlike ProProfs, I absolutely love that Helpjuice is branded to look just like it belongs to us is centred around that very intelligent search feature.

(Optional) Extra comments / feedback

Absolutely loving working with Helpjuice and transforming the way we provide help to our customers.

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