Macro Helix has 97% successful searches after switching to Helpjuice

Quick Overview

Industry: Hospital & Health Care

Location: USA

Team size: 201 - 500

"We needed elegance and agility. We needed style and functionality. We needed something that could handle doing the double duty of customer-facing knowledge base AND internal-facing customer support content. Now we have all that thanks to Helpjuice - Paul Neumann, Editor/Media Creator"

Industry: Hospital & Health Care

Location: USA

Team size: 201 - 500

Hospital & Health Care

(201 - 500 people)

How Helpjuice Helped Macro Helix Create a Seamless Knowledge Base for Internal and External Customers

Macro Helix is a healthcare technology company located in the San Francisco Bay Area. They specialize in developing software solutions to streamline and improve healthcare services. When they needed to replace their Robohelp knowledge base, they took a look at the various options available and decided to try Helpjuice.

The Problem: Replacing Robohelp

Macro Helix needed to replace their Robohelp knowledge base with something more agile, elegant, and functional, that could also handle customer-facing knowledge and internal-facing customer support content. Paul Neumann, the Brand/Comm co-worker responsible for replacing Robohelp, said, “We’re the ones generating the content and we were so tired of people not knowing where it was, how to get to it, how to share it, or even that it existed.”

The Solution: Helpjuice

After trying OneNote and finding it too unwieldy due to the number of pages and articles, along with problems with variations in behavior across different versions, Macro Helix decided to give Helpjuice a try. Paul says, “The capabilities of its search functions, the ease of layout and the fluid look to everything is what sold me. My first time in there I was able to begin bringing in content and creating articles that were thoughtfully designed and easy to edit.”

The Impact: Easier Content Creation and Greater Efficiency

Helpjuice has made a significant impact on Macro Helix. Paul says, “We just don't dread it [content creation] anymore, ya know? Being able to preview and publish/unpublish in a snap is GREAT. Instant feedback that encourages creativity. So, yeah, it's fun.” Paul also noted the improved efficiency of the Helpjuice knowledge base, saying, “We show that 97% of searches are successful. I think the most calls I've seen going to support in a month after a Helpjuice search is 11. 11! That's unreal. Now, people just call us first thing, I get it, but they're finding what they need in our online help more than ever because of Helpjuice.”

Helpjuice Features That Make Content Creation Easier and Fun

Paul loves that with Helpjuice he can easily add media to any page and know that it will work as expected. He also loves the related articles feature on each page, interactive table of contents, and the ability to format content in any way he likes, from Word to InDesign. He also appreciates the “Dislike” button, which lets users give feedback on what answers need improvement.


Helpjuice has made a significant impact on Macro Helix. They are able to create content quickly, easily, and with greater efficiency. Paul loves the features that make content creation easier and more fun, as well as the ability to preview and publish/unpublish content in a snap. He also appreciates the “Dislike” button which helps them keep their content up-to-date.

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